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Honours 2nd Year Form Fill Up 2023

Honours 2nd year form fill up time extend 2023

According to the new time extend notice, NU Honours 2nd Year Form Fill Up 2023 online application will start on 30 October 2023. The online process of the second-year Honors exam form fill (Session: 2022) will end on 26 November 2023. In this post, we will discuss in detail about Honors 2nd year exam and exam form fill. Let’s start the discussion without delay.

National University today released a notice regarding Honors Second Year Exam on 12th September 2023. The notice of examination form mentions the start and end of the online process of form fill up. Besides, all the information of the Honors 2nd year exam has been highlighted in the published notice.

Date of Honours 2nd Year Form Fill Up 2023

In this part, we will share with you some important dates related to form filling and examination of Honors 2nd year exam to be held in 2023. Students can note down these dates if they want. Because these dates are very important as they are related to exams.

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As the time for filling the form has been extended to the students by paying the late fee (3000 .tk), the students can fill the form as per the following dates

  • Online Form fill-up application starts: 30 October 2023 (New)
  • Ending online application: 26 November 2023 (New)
  • Data Entry verification: 27 November 2023 (New)
  • Pay Fee by Sonali Seba: 28 November 15 November 2023 (New)

The students should complete the form fill up process keeping in mind the dates mentioned above. In any case, students will not get the opportunity to fill up the form after the scheduled time. So all the students who want to participate in the 2nd year examination must complete the form fill program within the stipulated time.

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Form FIll Up by Paying Late Fee

National University has published another new notice regarding the extension of time for filling the Honors Second Year Examination form for 2022 session. In this notice, it is said that in view of the application of some students, the time for filling the form has been increased subject to the payment of a late fee of 3000 taka. Let’s take a look at the notice.

Honours Form Fill Up Time Extend Notice 2023

The said notice states that the students can apply for filling the form till 26th November 2023 by paying late fee. However, after this no application can be made to fill the form online.

Form Fill Up Time Extend Notice

National University has released a notice regarding the extension of time for filling the second year Honors examination form. In the notice, the application period for form fill has been extended till 12th November 2023. Let’s take a look at the notice.

Form Fill Up Time Extend Notice

According to the published notice, the application for filling the online form of Honours second year examination will start from 30th October 2023 and will continue till 12th November 2023. Apart from this, the date of depositing money through Sonali Seva has been increased from November 14 to 15.

It should be noted that the Honors Second Year Examination Form Fillup was supposed to end on 15th November 2023 as per the earlier notice. Later, the National University published a new notice regarding the extension of time for filling the form. According to the new notification, the students have to fill up the form within the specified time.

Honours Second Year Form Fill Up Notice 2023

National University has released a complete notification regarding form fill up of Honors 2nd year examination today on 12th September 2023. In the notification, there is a detailed discussion about filling the exam form, prescribed fee for filling the form, conditions of participation in the exam etc. Let’s take a look at the beginning of the notice.

Honours Second Year Form Fill Up Notice 2023
Honours Second Year exam 2023
nu form fill up notice

According to the published notice, the filling of Honors 2nd year exam 2023 form fill up is going to start from 18th September 2023. And the online form filling process will end on 15th October 2023. Also fully mentioned date of deposit (18th October to 19th October 2023).

In addition, the notice has discussed in more detail what qualifications are required to take part in the Honors 2nd year examination in 2023. Apart from that, how much form fill fee has to be submitted and how to complete the form fill process online has been discussed. We will discuss all these things in detail.

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Students, if you want to download the notice published above and keep it in your device, then that is also possible.

Below this paragraph, we are giving the link to fill the form of Honors second year examination pdf download. From here you can easily download Honors second year exam form filling notification and keep it with yourself.

How to Apply Honours 2nd Year Form Fill Up Online?

At this stage, we will know how to complete the form fill online to participate in the Honors 2nd year exam in 2023. We will discuss each step in detail so that you can easily understand and you can fill the form yourself. Let’s start without delay.

Apply Honours 2nd Year Form Fill Up Online

To complete Honours 2nd Year Form Fill Up 2023 exam you have to follow some rules. The rules are discussed below one by one.

  • Firstly, Visit NU form fill-up the new website (http://nu.ac.bd/student-login)
  • Now type your registration number
  • Then select the subject code (including practical).
  • Download the application form after selecting the subject correctly
  • The application form should be printed after downloading
  • After that, it should be submitted to the concerned department head along with the prescribed fee

First you have to login to the designated website using your registration number. After that you will see a dashboard in front of you which has menu on the left side. Click on the form fill menu on the left side.

nu form fill up website

After clicking on the form fill, the subject lists will appear in front of you. From there you have to select the specific subject code. After selecting the subject correctly, an application form will come and download it.

Honours form fill up application form

The application form will mention the prescribed fee. That is, how much money you have to deposit will be mentioned. The form should be downloaded and printed and should be submitted to the college with the specified amount.

Special Note: Before printing the form and submitting it to the college, it must be checked whether it is correct and signed. University authorities will not be responsible for wrongly selecting the subject code or filling in any kind of mistake in this case.

NU Online Form Fill Up ems.nu.ac.bd

If there is any mistake in the form filling application form, the form must be canceled by the college authority, and download the application form again. Registration of students will be.

NU form fill up guide

If there is any kind of mistake in the student registration card then it must be corrected before it is complete. And the photocopy of the registration card along with the application form must be submitted to the college authority within the stipulated date.

Honours Second Year Form Fill Up Fee 2023

The National University every year has prescribed the fee for Honours 2nd Year Exam Form Fill Up 2023. Following this, the National University Honors have fixed the fee for filling up the form for the 2nd year exam 2023.

At this stage, we will know about the prescribed fee for filling out the 2022 Honors second-year exam form. Let’s take a look at the Honors first-year exam form fill up fees.

Theoretical (Per Subject)250 Taka.
Theoretical (Per 1/2 Subject)200 Taka.
Practical (Per Subject)250 Taka.
Incourse Exam Fee (Per Student)300 Taka.
Exam Center Fee450 Taka.
Exam Center Fee (Practica)120 Taka.
Special inclusion fee300 Taka.
Students who have obtained F Grade in the academic year 2013-14 & 2014-155000 Taka.
Students of C Promoted 1000 Taka.

The fee details you can see above are Honors 2nd Year Examination Form Fee and Examination Fee. Along with filling the form online, a form has to be downloaded and the prescribed fee will be mentioned there.

However, these fees may vary depending on the college. There may be a difference between the fees you see in your application form and the fees fixed by your college while filling the form.

The college authorities will prepare another new list according to their own convenience and inform you about it. Therefore, you must contact the college and get informed about the fee while applying for the form fillup.

Submission Process of Honours Form Fill Up Fee

At this stage, we will discuss how honors 2nd year candidates will submit the 2023 form fill fee. We will discuss this topic from beginning to end at this stage.

The fees of all candidates of Honors second year examination of 2023 will be submitted by the college authority through Sonali service on the designated website. In this case, the college will download the pay slip from the website.

And the total sum of money will be written in the pay slip mentioning the savings account number in the respective sector and take the print copy and submit it to any branch of the nearest Sonali Bank and collect the deposit receipt within the last date.

In this way, the college authorities will submit the form filling fee of the students through Sonali Seba and enter it through the designated website.

Who can participate in Honors Second Year Exam 2023?

Students are required to participate in the Honours 2nd Year Exam Form Fill Up 2023 subject to certain conditions. However, there is one condition for regular examinees and different conditions for irregular examinees and grade improvement students.

Conditions For Regular Students

  • All Honors Course students registered under National University in the academic year 2020-2021
  • Promoted in 2021 by participating in the Honors first-year examination
  • Completed Honors second year course in 2022

Conditions For Irregular Students

  • All students of 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic year
  • Not Promoted by participating in Honors Second Year Examination
  • Students who have not participated in the second-year examination in 2022
  • A student of note is not required to take the examination of the course awarded in the previous year
  • In 2021 Honors 2nd year for the first time participated in the exam and got C grade/D grade
  • All these mentioned students will have the opportunity to take the grade improvement test
  • However, a maximum of two courses and an F grade pass will be allowed to take the exam

Improvement Exam Student’s Conditions

  • Honors 2nd Year 2021 Students who appear for the first time as Regular and Irregular candidates have been promoted to 3rd year.
  • Those students will be able to participate in the GRE development test only in courses with C and grade
  • But can participate in a maximum two courses
  • Those students who participated in the second year examination of 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 got third promotion.
  • But one or more is doing F grade
  • All obtaining F grade should upgrade to minimum D grade in registration girls by examination

Special Note: Improvement of A grade to a higher grade will not allow for further grade improvement and will not earn more than B plus grade regardless of the result. Apart from this, the students who participated in the second year exam in 2021 and got C Promote will have to attend the 2022 exam in the absent letter. In this case, an additional fee of Tk 1000 have to paid in addition to the total fee of the candidate.

You may read: Honours 1st Year Exam Form Fill Up 2023

Special Permission for 2013-14, 2014-15 Students

  • Students who have obtained one or more F grades in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years can participate in the second year examination of Honors 2023 by paying a total fee of five thousand taka.
  • In this case, there will be no need to renew the registration

Special Note: Any student who fails to fill the form or fails to participate in the examination or fails in any case will not get the opportunity to participate in the examination later. And there is no chance of grade improvement in practical exam.

NU Honours 2nd Year Exam Routine 2023

National University 2023 Honors Second Year Exam form filling online process will complete in the middle of October. The examination committee publishes the routine immediately after the online process of filling the form and depositing the money.

We can assume that the same will happen in the case of Honors second year 2023 examination. However, it is not possible to say exactly when the Honors second year exam routine will publish.

But experience suggests that the Honors 2nd year exam routine may publish in early November. As soon as it is publish we will share it on our website.

So keep visiting our website regularly to get the latest updates of National University Honors Second Year Examination. And if you want to download our app, you will get notifications on your mobile phone without visiting the website.

FAQ Section

In this part, we will share with you some important questions and their answers related to the 2023 Honors 2nd year exam form filling and examination. Hope you will get the answer to your desired question from here.

When will Start Honours 2nd Year Form Fill Up 2023?

As per the latest published time extend notice online application form filling of Honors second year exam in 2023 is starting from Monday 30 October 2023.

How to complete for Honors 2nd-year exam form Fill up online?

To complete the entire online program of Honors 2nd Year Exam, you need to enter this website: nubd.info/formfillup/. Then complete the form-filling process by entering all the information with your registration number.

When will start the honors second-year exam 2023?

The Exam Committee of National University has not yet published the Honors Second Year Exam Routine. However, it can be assumed that the Honors second year examination of 2023 may begin at the end of November.

These were some important questions and their answers related to 2023 Honors Second Year Exam and Exam Form Filling. If you have any question you can send us it and we will answer your question.

NU Recent Notice

Some important notices of Honors Department published by the National University are now sharing with you. If you want, you can click on them for details.

Final Word

National University has already released the notice regarding Honors 2nd Year Form Fill Up 2023. Form filling will start from 30 October 2023 till 26 November 2023. All students who want to participate in the examination must complete the form fill up process within the prescribed time. Thank you so much for reading this post and staying with us.

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