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National University Improvement System

by MG Mynul
NU Improvement Exam System

Today we will discuss National University Improvement System in this post. If you read this NU Improvement System article fully, then you will get all the information about the Improvement exam system of the National University. All the students studying at the National University have a special need to be aware of the Improvement Examination.

In this article, I will provide National University Improvement Examination Procedure. I will discuss it from beginning to end. Those who are studying at National University will read this post from beginning to end. And hopefully, you will be fully aware of the National University Improvement System.

Notice about NU Improvement Exam

NU Improvement Exam

After reading this article in its entirety, you will have no more questions about the NU improvement system. So now I will discuss the NU Improvement system here. Let’s start the discussion without delay.

National University Improvement System

National University Improvement Examination System is in progress. There is a system to give grade improvement or improvement exams in the subject of a student if his / her exam is bad or if he/she fails in any subject.

If you are a student of this national university then you need to know about the National University Improvement System. Because at any time you may have to take NU improvement exam or you may have to tell a friend about the improvement exam. So let us know in detail about the National University Improvement System.

What is the Improvement Exam?

Improvement Exam is to get a better grade than the previous grade by passing the examination in those subjects again or by re-examination in that subject.

I simply give the answer. Suppose you took an exam in 5 subjects and failed in two of the five subjects in the exam or did not get the grade as expected. Or you have failed in one or more subjects. Now you will give a re-exam again to get a better result than the previous one. This name is the National University improvement exam.

NU Improvement System

Look at the result sheet on the top section of this line. In this result, sheet students get F grades and D grades in two subject. In here this student can give a re-exam to get a better result or better grade. This re-exam system is called the National University improvement system.

How many subjects have to pass for year change?

According to the rules of the National University, in order to pass from one year to another year, have to pass at least 3 subjects and achieve a minimum GPA of 1.75. Suppose you have taken exams in seven subjects and passed in three subjects and you will get promotion next year.

But if you fail 5 of those subjects then you will not get promotion again in the next year. You have to pass atlast three subject for year change. No one get promotion one year to another year unless pass atlast three subject.

nu improvement system

So, I think you will fully aware about how many subject have to pass for year change. Hopefully they got a clear idea about this in my answer.

Who can give improvement exams?

According to the National University’s rules, students who have C, D or F grade in any subject will be able to give an improvement exam. I say again if you got C grade or D grade in any subject or you have got F grade in any subject. At this time, you are eligible for the improvement exam.

  • Who has gotten C grade.
  • Who has gotten D grade
  • F grade ( Fail one or more subject)

In hare I will solve some questions about National University Improvement Exam System. From which you will get a clear idea in which cases NU improvement exam can be given. And in which cases you can not give Improvement exam.

If I have B-grade in a subject then can I give improvement for that subject?

The obvious answer is no. Because as I said already, only those who have C grade, D grade or F grade can give improvement. But those who have C +, B-, B, B +, A-, A + grades will not be able to take the NU improvement exam.

National University Improvement exam
I have got C grade in one subject but I don’t want to give improvement. What to do in this case?

The improvement exam is not mandatory. But you can make the result better with the improvement exam if you want. If it seems that you are not satisfied with your results.

NU Grading result
What is the meaning of the Improvement exam?

Improvement exam means giving a new examination to get a better grade from the current exam result you got. To put it simply, an improvement exam is a re-examination to improve the results.

Who can not give an improvement exam?

To give the National University improvement exam have to eligable for that. There are certain conditions to be met for the Improvement exam. In some cases you may not be considered eligible for the Improvement exam. You will not be able to take the Improvement exam if you have all the grades.

  • A + Grade
  • A – Grade
  • B+ Grade
  • B Grade
  • Grade (B-)
  • C + Grade

If you have all these grades, you will not be able to take the Improvement exam under National University. You will eligible to give improvement exam only if you have C or D grade.

Improvement exam is compulsory if i have F grade?

Another question that may come up here is “I have an F grade and I was promoted the next year. I went up from 1st year to 2nd year or 3rd year. But now that I don’t want to take the Improvement exam, what will be the problem?

You must take the Improvement examas per the National University rules and regulations. And if you have F grade then you must take the Improvement exam for pass all the subject ( For attend final exam).

Because you will not be able to take the honors final year exam until you have passed all the subjects of the first year, second year and third year. And also, you will not be able to fill out the degree final exam form until you have passed the all subject in the first year and the second year. I hope I can fully explain about this issue.

In the Improvement, Exam got F grade.

Some times can be happen, Students got bad result (C, D Grade) on his/her exams. After that they desided they give improvement exams. But unfortunately or fortunately they got F grade on improvement exam results. At this time what will do? or what will happen? Many have asked such questions.

In this case I will say that there is no reason for your tension. If you have C grade or D grade and you have failed in that subject with improvement exam result. In this case you will not have any problem, because your previous result will remain and F grade will not counted. There is no reason to worry about it.

Improvement Exam got F grade

Before F grade & after giving improvement, F grade has come again

Now another question may come up here, that is, “my result is F grade, and when I gave the improvement exam. I failed in this subject again (Got F grade). what can I do now? And how many times can I take the Improvement Test? Many students asked this question and they did not understand what will happen at this stage.

What can I do when I got F grade again in improvement Exam?

In that case you will be able to take the Improvement exam again. No problem, within the period of your registration you will give improvement exam again and again. This means that during the registration period, you can take the test every time your F grade comes.

F grade in improvement exam

I hope you can understand what you have to do in this stage. Do no warry about this, if you have validity of your registration card. You will able to give improvement exam again and again.

National University Registration Expiration Period

The duration of registration varies by department of the National University. For example, the period of registration of Honors and the period of registration of Degree and Masters is different. Let’s see the National University Registration Expiration Period.

Department NameRegistration Period
Honours (4 Year Course)7 Years
Degree (3 Year Course) 6 Years
Masters (1 Year Course) 3 Years

If you are in Honors then your registration period is seven years. If you are a degree student, your registration period is six years. And if you are a student of Masters then your term is 3 years. I hope you will get this things.

You may read:

National University Grading System (Promtional Rules)

Bangla Tutorial Video of National University Improvement System

In this video you will get in detail the National University Improvement Examination Procedure. If you watch the video, you will know the details about the NU improvement method.

I hope I’ve answered as many questions as there are about NU Improvement system as possible. So hopefully you have got a complete idea about the National University Improvement System from this article.

What is the NU Improvement exam?

National University Improvement Exam is to get a better grade than the previous grade by passing the examination in those subjects again or by re-examination in that subject.

When i will eligible for improvement exam?

If you got C or D grade in your exam result or if you got F grade (fail) in one or more subjects, then you will eligible for National University Improvement Exam.

When can I not take the Improvement Exam?

If you have good grade (A+, A-, B+, B, B-, C) then you will not take National University Improvement exam.

NU Latest Notice

Final Word: We try to provide to you the latest published notice of the National University. If you want to get the latest notifications of National University then visit our website every day. If you want to get all the National University notice as a notification, then download our android app “NUBD24“.

Thank you for read this article. And also thanks for stay with us. Good day.

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