NU Degree 3rd Year Book List

Today we will share with you NU Degree 3rd Year Book List/subject list with subject code. This post is very important for all the students. Those who are studying in the third year of the Degree pass course at the National University. Here students will get a list of books of all the departments studying in the third year of the Degree. As well as see the subject code and Total Credit Total Mark.

Here you also download or collect your Degree 3rd Year Book List (All Department). Therefore, students who have been or will be newly admitted to the National University in the final year of Degree. This Degree’s third-year subjects list is very useful I think. However, let’s take a look at the list of Honors third-year books one by one.

Table of Contents

NU Degree 3rd Year Book List 2022

You will find here the list of all the department books you will get in the 3rd year of the Degree course. Therefore, if you want, you can easily see the list of books for each department or your own department. Here is a book list and Credit Numbers and Total Numbers separately for each department.

NU Degree 3rd Year Book List

There is a list of books of all the departments of Degree pass course 3rd year. It’s including the BA, BSS, BBS, BSS, and BSc. Therefore, History Department, Botany Department, etc. There is about 31 more departmental book list here. So let’s now look at one by one the Degree 3rd Year Book List.

Degree Final Year B.A Pass Course Book List

In this Degree B.A Pass course has 14 different departments. BA pass course degree department of National University has many different departments where students study. We will mention here the book list of Degree third-year B.A pass courses only. All the subjects that pass the B.A degree is.

  • Arabic
  • B. Music
  • Bangla (Elective)
  • Bangla National Language
  • Drama and Media Studies
  • English (Elective)
  • English
  • History
  • Islamic History & Culture
  • Islamic Studies
  • Library and Information Science
  • Pali
  • Philosophy
  • Sanskrit

Now we will present to you the list of 3rd-year degree books of each department one by one. But let’s start with the list of third-year degree books that are available.

Arabic Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by 3rd year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Arabic Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131201Paper-VArabic Grammar, Translation, Composition and Essay/Letter writing1004
131203Paper-IIIslamic Ideology1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Arabic Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Arabic Department.

B. Music Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the B. Music Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree B. Music Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your B. Music Department.

Bangla Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Bangla Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131005Paper-IBengali Essay (বাংলা প্রবন্ধ)1004
131007Paper-IIBengali travelogue, fiction diary, translation (বাংলা ভ্রমণকাহিনী, রম্যরচনা দিনলিপি, অনুবাদ)1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Bangla Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Bangla Department.

Bangla (Compulsory) Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the 3-year B.A Pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Bangla compulsory subject for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131003N/ABengla National Language Optional Subject (বাংলা জাতীয় ভাষা বিকল্প পত্র)1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree compulsory subject of Bangla National Languag. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Bangla compulsory subject.

Drama and Media Studies Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Drama and Media Studies Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
135101Paper-IRadio and Television Production Studies1004
135102Paper-IINews and Media Production1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Drama and Media Studies Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Drama and Media Studies Department.

English Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the English Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131103Paper-IILiterary Criticism and Literary Terms1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree English Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your English Department.

English (Compulsory) Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the 3-year B.A Pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the English compulsory subject for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
121103N/AEnglish (Alternative)10004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree compulsory subject of English. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your English compulsory subject.

History Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the History Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131501Paper-IHistory of Europe (1453-1789)1004
131503Paper-IIHistory of Islam upto 1258
(Excluding South Asia & Spain)

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree History Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your History Department.

Islamic History & Culture Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Islamic History & Culture Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131601Paper-IHistory of Modern Europe (1789-1945 A.D)1004
131603Paper-IIHistory of the Middle East (1258-1800 A. D)1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Islamic History & Culture Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Islamic History & Culture Department.

Islamic Studies Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Islamic Studies Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131801Paper-VSocial and Political System in Islam1004


Paper-VIA) Economic System and Banking in Islam
B) Arabic Literature
C) Islamic Civilization

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Islamic Studies Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Islamic Studies Department.

Library and Information Science Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Library and Information Science Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
133801Paper-IOrganization of Knowledge-Cataloguing and Classification (Theory)1004
Organization of Knowledge Cataloguing & Classification
Application of ICT in Libraries & Viva

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Library and Information Science Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Library and Information Science Department.

Pali Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Pali Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131401Paper-IBasic Teachings of Buddha1004
131403Paper-IIPali Commentary (Atthakatha) Literature1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Pali Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Pali Department.

Philosophy Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Philosophy Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131701Paper-IBangladesh Philosophy1004
131703Paper-IIGeneral Logic1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Philosophy Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Philosophy Department.

Sanskrit Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the BA pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Sanskrit Department for the third year of Degree B.A pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131301Paper-ISanskrit Story Literature1004
131303Paper-IISanskrit Poetics and Prosody1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Sanskrit Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Sanskrit Department.

Degree Third Year B.B.S Pass Course Book List

In this Degree B.B.S (Bachelor of Business Administration) Pass course has 4 different departments. BBS pass course degree department of National University has many different departments where students study. We will mention here the book list of Degree third-year B.B.S pass courses only. All the subjects that pass the B.B.S degree are.

  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Management
  • Marketing

Now we will present to you the list of B.B.S 3rd-year degree books of each department one by one. But let’s start with the list of third-year B.B.S degree books that are available.

Accounting Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.B.S pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Accounting Department for the third year of Degree B.B.S pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
132401Paper-IAdvanced Accounting1004
132403Paper-IICost Accounting1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Accounting Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Accounting Department.

Finance & Banking Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.B.S pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Finance & Banking Department for the third year of Degree B.B.S pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
112401Paper-IInternational Trade &  Finance1004
112403Paper-IIE-Banking and E-Commerce1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Finance & Banking Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Finance & Banking Department.

Management Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.B.S pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Management Department for the third year of Degree B.B.S pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
132601Paper-IComputer in Business1004
132603Paper-IIOrganizational Behavior1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Management Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Management Department.

Marketing Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.B.S pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Marketing Department for the third year of Degree B.B.S pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
132301Paper-ILegal Aspects of Marketing1004
132303Paper-IIAgricultural Marketing1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Marketing Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Marketing Department.

Degree Third Year B.S.S Pass Course Book List

In this Degree B.S.S (Bachelor of Social Science) Pass course has 4 different departments. BSS pass course degree department of National University has many different departments where students study. We will mention here the book list of Degree third-year B.S.S pass courses only. All the subjects that pass the B.S.S degree are.

  • Economics
  • Political Science
  • Social Work
  • Sociology

Now we will present to you the list of B.S.S 3rd-year degree books of each department one by one. But let’s start with the list of third-year B.S.S degree books that are available.

Economics Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.S.S pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Economics Department for the third year of Degree B.S.S pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits

Paper-IElementary Mathematics for Economics and Basic Statistics
132205Paper-IIHistory of Economic Thought1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Economics Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Economics Department.

Political Science Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.S.S pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Political Science Department for the third year of Degree B.S.S pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
131901Paper-ILocal Government and Rural Politics in Bangladesh1004
131903Paper-IIWomen and Politics1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Political Science Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Political Science Department.

Social Work Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.S.S pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Social Work Department for the third year of Degree B.S.S pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
132101Paper-ISocial Research and Statistics 1004
132103Paper-IIField Work Education1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Social Work Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Social Work Department.

Sociology Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.S.S pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Sociology Department for the third year of Degree B.S.S pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
132001Paper-ISociology of Environment1004
132003Paper-IISociology of Bangladesh1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Sociology Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Sociology Department.

Degree Third Year B.Sc. Pass Course Book List

In this Degree B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) Pass course has 17 different departments. BSc pass course degree department of National University has many different departments where students study. We will mention here the book list of Degree third-year B.Sc. pass courses only. All the subjects that pass the B.Sc. degree are.

  • B. Sports
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Botany
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Geography and Environment
  • Home Economics
  • Madar Bux Home Economics
  • Marine Engineering
  • Marine Fisheries
  • Mathematics
  • Nautical
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Soil Science
  • Statistics
  • Zoology

Now we will present to you the list of B.Sc. 3rd-year degree books of each department one by one. But let’s start with the list of third-year B.Sc. degree books that are available.

B. Sports Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the B. Sports Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Any Two Paper (One Theory and One Practical)

134601Paper-VSport/Game (Hokey) (Theory)1004
134602Paper-VISport/Game (Hokey) (Practical)1004
134603Paper-VSport/Game (Cricket) (Theory)1004
134604Paper-VISport/Game (Cricket) (Practical)1004
134605Paper-VSport/Game (Football) (Theory)1004
134606Paper-VISport/Game (Football) (Practical)1004
134607Paper-VSport/Game (Basketball) (Theory)1004
134608Paper-VISport/Game (Basketball) (Practical)1004
134609Paper-VSport/Game (Tennis) (Theory)1004
134610Paper-VISport/Game (Tennis) (Practical)1004
134611Paper-VSport/Game (Boxing) (Theory)1004
134612Paper-VISport/Game (Boxing) (Practical)1004
134613Paper-VSport/Game (Shooting) (Theory)1004
134614Paper-VISport/Game (Shooting) (Practical)1004
134615Paper-VSport/Game (Gymnastics) (Theory)1004
134616Paper-VISport/Game (Gymnastics) (Practical)1004
134617Paper-VSport/Game (Swimming) (Theory)1004
134618Paper-VISport/Game (Swimming) (Practical)1004
134619Paper-VSport/Game (Track and Field) (Theory)1004
134620Paper-VISport/Game (Track and Field) (Practical)1004

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree B. Sports Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your B. Sports Department.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
132901Paper-VHuman Physiology & Endrocrinology1004
132903Paper-VIClinical Biochemistry1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department.

Botany Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Botany Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
133001Paper-VPlant Physiology, Phytochemistry Agronomy, and Horticulture1004
133003Paper-VIGenetics, plant Breading, Evolution, Biotechnology and Biostatistics.1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third year books of the Degree Botany Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Botany Department.

Chemistry Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Chemistry Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
132801Paper-VIndustrial Chemistry1004
132803Paper-VIAnalytical Chemistry1004
132804Paper- VIIPractical1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Chemistry Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Chemistry Department.

Computer Science Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Computer Science Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
135001Paper-VE-Commerce and Web Engineering1004
135003Paper-VIOperating System and Multimedia1004
135004Paper-VII Practical:1004
  Programming Language Lab
Data Structure and Algorithms Lab
Database Management System Lab
Data Communication and
Networking Lab

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Computer Science Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Computer Science Department.

Geography and Environment Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Geography and Environment Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
133201Paper-VRegional Geography of South Asia (Excluding Bangladesh)1004
133203Paper-VIGeography of Human Settlements1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Geography and Environment Chemistry Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Geography and Environment Department.

Home Economics Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Home Economics Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
133501Paper-VTextile Weaving and Design of Art1004
133503Paper-VIFood Science and Technology1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Home Economics Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Home Economics Department.

Madar Bux Home Economics Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Madar Bux Home Economics Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Compulsory Subjects

Paper CodePaper TitleMarks.Credit
111501History of the Emergence of independent Bangladesh1004
121001Bangla National Language (বাংলা জাতীয় ভাষা)1004
131101English (Compulsory)1004
Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
136001N/AAdvanced Home Management and Housing1004
136003N/AChild Welfare and Family Relations1004
136012N/APractical (Basic Home Economics)

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Madar Bux Home Economics Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Madar Bux Home Economics Department.

Marine Engineering Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Marine Engineering Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaper TitleMarksCredit
121101English (Compulsory)1004
134801Marine Engineering Knowledge (Motor)1004
134803Marine Electro Technology1004
134805Naval Architecture and Ship Construction1004
134807Marine Resources, Management and Maritime Law & Convention 1004
134809Computer Science1004
134811Safety, Environmental Protection & Leadership1004
134812Marine Engineering Knowledge (Workshop Practical Workshop Training at the Academy workshop)502
134814Ship-board Training & Marine Engineering Knowledge (Practical) (Ship-board Training at  sea and documented in a  TRAINING RECORD BOOK)1004
134816Marine Engineering Practice-II (A) Repair and Mountings (B) Electrical & Electronic Laboratory)502
134818Physics -III (Practical)502
134820Chemistry  (Practical)502
                                                                                      Total =100040

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Marine Engineering Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Marine Engineering Department.

Marine Fisheries Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Marine Fisheries Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaper TitleMarksCredit
121101English (Compulsory)1004
134701Fish Processing & Engineering1004
134703Quality Control & HACCP Management1004
134705Port, Harbour & HR Management1004
134707Lab work, Industrial attachment & Independent Research1004
134709Information and Communication Technology (ICT)1004
134711Safety, Environmental Protection & Leadership1004
134712General Zoology  Paper-III (Practical)1004
134714Botany Paper-III (Practical)1004
134716Biochemistry Paper-III (Practical)1004
 Total =100040

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Marine Fisheries Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Marine Fisheries Department.

Mathematics Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Mathematics Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
133701Paper-VComputer Programming and Numerical Analysis1004
133703Paper-VIOrdinary Differential Equations1004
133704Paper-VII Math Lab1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Mathematics Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Mathematics Department.

Nautical Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Nautical Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaper TitleMarksCredit
121101English (Compulsory)1004
134901Ship Handling (Ship Handling Simulator training)1004
134902Meteorology (Practical)-II502
134903Navigational Aids1004
134904Signaling (Practical)1004
134905Computer Science1004
134906Coastal Navigation (Practical)-II1004
134907Marine  Resources, Management and Maritime Law & Convention1004
134908Applied Science Practical: Physics (Practical)502
134909Safety, Environmental Protection & Leadership1004
134910Maritime Science Practical: Ship-board Practical Training (Mode of Exam – Evaluation of Training Record Book + Viva Voice)1004
 Total =100040

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Nautical Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Nautical Department.

Physics Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Physics Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
132701Paper-VAtomic Physics and Quantum Mechanics1004
132703Paper-VINuclear Physics and Solid State Physics1004
132704Paper-VIIPhysics Practical1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Physics Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Physics Department.

Psychology Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Psychology Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
133401Paper-VIndustrial Psychology1004
133403Paper-VIMeasurement & Statistics in Psychology1004
133404Paper-VII Practical1004
   Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the final-year books of the Degree Psychology Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Psychology Department.

Soil Science Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Soil Science Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
133301Paper-VSoil Management and Soil Conservation1004
133303Paper-VISoil Survey and Crops of Bangladesh1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Soil Science Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Soil Science Department.

Statistics Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Statistics Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
133601Paper-VApplied Statistics-I1004
133603Paper-VIApplied Statistics-II1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Statistics Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Statistics Department.

Zoology Degree 3rd Year Book List

All the books that we will see now are required to be read by third-year students under the B.Sc. pass course. Therefore, here are all the books in the Zoology Department for the third year of Degree B.Sc. pass course.

Paper CodePaperPaper TitleMarksCredits
133101Paper-VEthology and Animal Genetics1004
133103Paper-VIEconomic Zoology and Systematics1004
  Total =70028

In conclusion, the above-mentioned subjects are listed in the third-year books of the Degree Zoology Department. Similarly, on the left side is the subject code and on the right side are the total marks and credit numbers. However, these subjects are required to be studied in the third year of Degree in your Zoology Department.

Degree all Department Book List (1st + 2nd + 3rd Year)

Here you will get the National University Degree Full course Booklist all year. If you are a student of a Degree then this post is for you. You will get Degree first year, Second Year, and Third/Final Year Book List. If you want more book lists, then click the link below.

Degree 3rd Year Book List (FAQ)

Above all, you also listed are National University’s first Year Degree, Degree second-year, and final Year Degree books. Below each department is a link to a list of the third-year book list, third-year, and third-year Degree pas course books. However, if you want, you can check the NU Syllabus of all the subjects of the National University given on our site from here.

Where can I get NU Degree third-year book list?

A list of books from all departments of the National University Degree Third Year (BBS, BSS, BB, BSC) can be found on the website You can easily get the list of Degree Third year books of all the departments by clicking here: Degree Third Year Book List

How to get Degree 3rd year subject list?

To get Degree third-Year Subject List you need to visit the Degree third-Year Subject List Blog on the website. By entering this link, you will get the list of Degree third-year books of all the departments of the National University.


Thinking about the students of the National University, we always share all the things they need on our website. As we share their latest published notices for National University students, we share all information related to the exam. We also share a variety of materials on our website that are useful to students so that students can benefit from their studies.

Since you are studying in the third year of National University, it is your responsibility to take out the book list of your Degree department from the book list of all the above departments. Here is a list of third-year books of all the departments of the National University. You can easily find out the names of each subject in your department in the third year. I think you will benefit from this Degree 3rd Year Book List post.

** নিয়মিত সকল আপডেট পেতে **
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