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NU Masters Professional Admission Result 2021

masters admission merit list result

NU Masters Professional Admission Result 2021 will publish 03 February 2021. This result is for Masters professional admission (BEd, BMEd, BSEd, BPEd, MEd, MSEd, MPEd) course release slip merit list 2021.

National University’s official website published this notice for the students who apply for the Master’s professional admission 2021. This notice says all about Masters professional Admission release slip merit list 2021. So, let’s discuss how to get Masters professional admission result 2021 from online and SMS.

How to get Masters Professional Admission Result 2021?

You may get you NU Masters professional admission result 2021 (Release slip merit list) by two way. one is online and is SMS system. Here we will discuss two diffrent way to get Masters Professional Admission result 2021.

Masters Professional Admission Result by SMS

If you want to get your result by mobile SMS the you have to follow some process. Firstly, you have to go to your massage option and have to type (nu<space>atpm<space>roll no) and then send to 16222 numbers.


(nu atpm 468245 send 16222)

Masters Professional Admission Result by online

If you want to get your Masters professional admission result 2021 then you have to visit National university official website www.nu.ac.bd. National Univversity offical website will publish this result same date (03/02/2021) at 4.00 pm.

Masters Professional Admission Release Slip Merit List Notice 2021

The National University of Bangladesh published a notice about Masters Professional Admission Release Slip Merit List 2021. If you read this notice then you will clear all about Masters professional admission result and final admission process. So, why you doing late? Let’s read this first.

Masters Admission Result 2021

I thisnk you read this notice and i presumed that you have no problem or you do not have any question about that. If you faceany problem or if you have doubght about this then see below. Here i discuss more about this notice.

Important Dates of Masters Professional Admission 2021

There are some important dates you have to note out. Here I noted down for you. Please see this carefully.

Online final form fill up and collect a print copy03/02/2021 to 10/02/2021
Submit Print copy and registration fee04/02/2021 to 11/02/2021
Admission confirm by college04/02/2021 to 13/02/2021
Submit fee by Sonali Seba14/02/2021 to 17/02/2021

Lots of information given to the original notice of Masters professional admission release slip merit list 2021.

How to get Masters admission final form?

To get Masters’s professional admission final form you have to visit www.nu.ac.bd/admissions then click Applicant login then Masters Prof Login. After clicking this menu then you have to submit your valid roll number and pin number. After login, you have to fill the form and print out this.

NU Admission Notice

If you want to get your Masters professional admission result in 2021 then you have to stay connected with us. Join our Facebook page and group.

Thank you so much for read this article.

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