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NU Honours Philosophy Syllabus (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Year)

NU Honours Philosophy Syllabus

NU Honours PhilosophySyllabus post that provides to you National University‘s Honours all year Philosophy department syllabus. In this post, we are trying to provides Honours Philosophy syllabus by year basis (First year, Second year and Third year, 4th year ). Here you can get NU Honours Philosophy Syllabus elaborately.


In bellow, you can see first honours 1st-year syllabus for Philosophy subject and then honours second-year Philosophy syllabus and lastly honours third-year Philosophy syllabus. That’s all NU Honours Philosophy Syllabus.

Honours 1st Year Philosophy Syllabus

This is Philosophy first-year syllabus for the Honours department of the National University of Bangladesh. Here we provide to your Subject name with the subject code and number of each subject with the credit of the subject. All of the syllabus (Honours 1st-year philosophy) in bellow:

Honours 1st Year Philosophy Department Booklist

Subject: Philosophy

Syllabus for: Four Year B.A Honours Course

Effective from the Session: 2009-2010

Course Code

Course Title Marks


1752 Problems of Philosophy 100 4
1753 History of Western Philosophy: Ancient and Medieval 100 4
1754 General Ethics 100 4
6344 Psychology 100 4


Introducing  Sociology Or

Introduction to Social Work

100 4
6192 Introduction to Political Theory 100 4
Total = 600 24

Honours 1st Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 1st Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 1st Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 1st Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 1st Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 1st Year Philosophy Syllabus


Honours 2nd Year Philosophy Syllabus

This is Philosophy second-year syllabus for the Honours department of the National University of Bangladesh. Here we provide to your Subject name with the subject code and number of each subject with the credit of the subject. All of the Honours 2nd-year Philosophy syllabus in bellow:

Honours 2nd Year Philosophy Department Booklist

Subject: Philosophy

Syllabus for Four Year B.Sc. Honours Course

Effective from 2009-2010 Session

Course content and marks distribution

Course Code

Course Title Marks


1762 History of Western Philosophy: Modem 100 4
1763 Development of Philosophical Thought in Islam 100 4
1764 Indian Philosophy : Atheistic School 100 4


721 1

Sociology of Bangladesh Or

Bangladesh Societv and Culture

100 4
7192 Political Organiza tion and Political System of UK and USA 100 4
1796 Viva-voce 50 2
Total= 550 22
9999 English (Compulsory) 100 Non-Credit

Honours 2nd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 2nd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 2nd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 2nd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 2nd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 2nd Year Philosophy Syllabus


Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Syllabus

This is Philosophy third year syllabus for the Honours department of the National University of Bangladesh. Here we provide to your Subject name with the subject code and number of each subject with the credit of the subject. All of the Honours 3rd year Philosophy syllabus in bellow:

Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Department Booklist

Syllabus for Four Year B.A. Honours Course
Subject: Philosophy

Session: 2013-2014

Paper Code

Paper Title Marks


231701 Ancient Philosophical Classics: Plato and Aristotle 100 4
231703 Modern Philosophical Classics: Hume and Kant 100 4
231705 Symbolic Logic 100 4
231707 Moral Philosophy of Immanuel Kant and J.S. Nill 100 4
231709 Philosophy of the Bangalees: Ancient and Medieval 100 4
231711 Muslim Philosophers 100 4
231713 Indian Philosophy: Theistic School 100 4
231715 Philosophy of Education 100 4
Total = 800 32

Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Syllabus


Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 3rd Year Philosophy Syllabus


Honours 4th Year Philosophy Syllabus

This is Philosophy fourth year syllabus for the Honours department of the National University of Bangladesh. Here we provide to your Subject name with the subject code and number of each subject with the credit of the subject. All of the Honours 4th-year Philosophy syllabus in bellow:

Honours 4th Year Philosophy Department Booklist

Syllabus for Four Year B.A. Honours Course
Subject: Philosophy

Session: 2013-2014

Paper Code Paper Title Marks


241701 Contemporary Western Philosophy 100 4
241703 Marxist Philosophy 100 4
241705 Aesthetics 100 4
241707 Political Philosophy: Ancient and Medieval 100 4
241709 Philosophy of the Bangalees: Modern and Contemporary 100 4
241711 Philosophy of Mind 100 4
241713 Social Philosophers 100 4
241715 Meta Ethics 100 4
241717 Philosophy of Religion 100 4
241718 Viva-voce 100 4
Total  = 1000 40

Honours 4th Year Philosophy Syllabus

Honours 4th Year Philosophy SyllabusHonours 4th Year Philosophy Syllabus
Honours 4th Year Philosophy Syllabus
Honours 4th Year Philosophy SyllabusHonours 4th Year Philosophy SyllabusHonours 4th Year Philosophy Syllabus
Honours 4th Year Philosophy SyllabusHonours 4th Year Philosophy SyllabusHonours 4th Year Philosophy booklist
Honours 4th Year Philosophy Syllabus

If you want to back on the main page of Honours syllabus then click bellow the link.

Honours Syllabus

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