Welcome to the page Degree Subject and Maks Distribution (B.B.S Pass Course) by nubd24.com. Here you will get the National University Degree B.B.S compulsory subject name with degree marks distribution. The students of the Degree pass course of the National University of Bangladesh find their compulsory subject and table of marks distribution here.
This is the Degree B.B.S Compulsory Subject and Maks Distribution page for National University and here you will get Syllabus for Three Years B.B.S Pass Course which is Effective from the Session: 2013-2014.
Here you will found all compulsory subject names of Degree Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.S Pass Course). And also you will found here a table of marks distribution for 3 years B.B.S pass course. Hope will found your all information here.
Syllabus for Three Years B.B.S. Pass Course
Effective from the Session: 2013-2014
Marks Distribution:

If you want to back on the main page of Degree syllabus then click bellow the link.
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