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NU Honours Bangla Syllabus (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Year)

nu honours bangla syllabus

NU Honours Bangla Syllabus post that provides to you National University‘s Honours 4th year Bangla department syllabus. In this post, we are trying to provides Honours Bangla syllabus by year basis (First year, Second year and Third year). Here you can get NU Honours Bangla Syllabus elaborately.


In bellow, you can see first honours 1st-year syllabus for Bangla subject and then honours second-year Bangla syllabus and lastly honours third-year Bangla syllabus. That’s all NU Honours Bangla Syllabus.


Honours 1st Year Bangla Syllabus

This is Bangla first year syllabus for the Honours department of the National University of Bangladesh. Here we provide to your Subject name with the subject code and number of each subject with the credit of the subject. All of the syllabus (Honours 1st year Bangla) in bellow:

Honours 1st Year Bangla Department Booklist

Subject Code Subject Number Credit
1052 History and Culture of Bangladesh and Bengalies

(From Ancients to 2000 AD)

100 4
1053 History of Bangla Language and Functional Bangla 100 4
1054 Bangla Novel-1 100 4
1055 Bangla Poetry 100 4
6192 Introducing Sociology


Introduction to Social Work

100 4
6212 Introduction to Political Theory 100 4
600 24

Honours Bangla Syllabus

Honours Bangla Syllabus

Honours Bangla Syllabus

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Honours 2nd Year Bangla Syllabus

This is Bangla second year syllabus for the Honours department of the National University of Bangladesh. Here we provide to your Subject name with the subject code and number of each subject with the credit of the subject. All of the Honours 2nd year Bangla syllabus in bellow:

Honours 2nd Year Bangla Department Booklist

Subject Code

Subject Number


1062 History of Bengali Literature -1 100 4
1063 Poetry of Medieval 100 4
1064 Bengali Poetry -2 100 4
1065 Bengali Drama -1 100 4



Sociology of Bangladesh Or

Bangladesh Society and Culture

100 4
7192 Political Organisation and The Political System of UK and USA 100 4
1096 Viva-voce 50 2
Total = 650 26
9999 English (Compulsory) 100 Non-Credit


Honours 2nd Year Bangla Syllabus

Honours 2nd Year Bangla Syllabus

Honours 2nd Year Bangla Syllabus

NU Honours 2nd Year Bangla Syllabus

NU syllabus

  1. Culture: Pattern of religious beliefs and rituals in Bangladesh-Social groups and language patterns of cultural change: modernization-Problems of cultural identity: role of language, religion and ethics-Globalization of culture: cultural dependency-local culture.

  2. Education: Structure of education: Primary-Secondary-Higher Education and social structure: differential access to education-class and social mobility-socialization and social control changing pattern of education: Institutional expansion-changes in curriculum-enrollment dropout-Education policy: problems and prospects.

Books Recommended:
1. Nazmul Karim, Dynamics of Bangladesh Society
2. A. M. Chowdhury and Fakrul Alam (eds.), Bangladesh at the Threshold of the Twenty-first
Century, Dhaka: Asiatic Society, 2002
3. Anwarullah Chowdhury, Agrarian Social Relations and Rural Development in Bangladesh,
New Delhi, Oxford/IBH
4. Kamal Siddiqui, Jagatpur, Dhaka:UPL, 2000
5. Ashabur Rahman, Bangladesher Krishi Kathamo, UPL, 1986
6. Akbar Ali Khan, Discovery of Bangladesh, Dhaka, UPL, 1996.

Books Recommended

nu Books Recommended

nu book list

Honours 3rd Year Bangla Syllabus

This is Bangla third year syllabus for the Honours department of the National University of Bangladesh. Here we provide to your Subject name with the subject code and number of each subject with the credit of the subject. All of the Honours 3rd year Bangla syllabus in bellow:

Honours 3rd Year Bangla Department Booklist

Syllabus for Four years B.A. Honours (Integrated) Subject: Bangla

Session: 2009-2010

Year Wise Courses and Marks distribution

 Third Year

Subject Code Subject Title Marks Unit
1072 History of Bangla Literature- II, Fast part of Modern

AGE- (1801-1947)

100 4
1073 Poetry of Anciant and Medieval AGE 100 4
1074 Bangla Short Story- I 100 4
1075 Theory of Folklor and Bangla Falk Literature 100 4
1076 Literary forms, literary principles (theory Rasa),

ornamentation, Rhythm

100 4
1077 Bangla Stories 100 4
1078 Bangla Comedy and Literature of Traveling 100 4
1079 Phonology and Phonetics 100 4
1080 Kazi Nzrul Islam’s Prose and Novel, Drama and Poetry of


100 4
Total 900 36


Honours 3rd Year Bangla Syllabus

Honours 3rd Year Bangla Syllabus

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Honours 3rd Year Bangla Syllabus wesbite

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NU Honours Bangla Syllabus

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NU Honours Bangla Syllabus

NU Honours Bangla Syllabus


Honours 4th Year Bangla Syllabus

This is Bangla fourth year syllabus for the Honours department of the National University of Bangladesh. Here we provide to your Subject name with the subject code and number of each subject with the credit of the subject. All of the Honours 4th year Bangla syllabus in bellow:

Honours 4th Year Bangla Department Booklist


Paper Code

Paper Title Marks


241001 History of Bangla Literature-3

(Development of Bangladeshi Literature Since

1947 to 2000)

100 4
241003 Bangla Novel-3 100 4
241005 Western Literary Theores and Methods of Literary Criticism 100 4
241007 Bangla Drama-2 100 4
241009 Classical Literature (Translated) 100 4
241011 Bangla Short-Stories-2 100 4
241013 Bangla Poetry-3 100 4
241015 Phonetics and  Linguistics 100 4
241017 Literature on Bangladesh Liberation War 100 4
241018 Viva-voce 100 4
Total = 1000 40

Honours 4th Year Bangla Syllabus

Honours 4th Year Bangla Syllabus

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Honours Bangla Syllabus

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Honours Syllabus

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