NU Grading System: This is the most important post about National University (NU) Grading System [year] for the NU Honours, Degree, Masters Exam Grading System, and GPA/CGPA Count System. If you want to know how to national university NU online grading system for NU Honours, Degree or others exam GPA.
And CGPA in National University Grading Points System you can find out the nu GPA count system here. The National University of Bangladesh, in this article we will show you the NU Grading System | National University GPA/CGPA Grading System.
If you read this post then you will be able to count or calculate the National University exam marks. That you have achieved in cumulative Grade Points Average CGPA or Grade Point Average GPA Systems. It would be also helpful for you to make it available to you. If you download the NUBD24 Android apps for National University grading system calculator.

What is GPA?
The Meaning of GPA is Grade Point Average (GPA). In National University follow the GPA system for calculating national university pass marks.
What is CGPA?
The Meaning of CGPA is Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). In National University follow the CGPA system for calculating national university pass marks.
National University GPA Grading System all about is given Below. Here in this article National University GPA, CGPA, Numerical Grade, Letter Grade (LG), Grade Point (GP) were briefly discussed.
NU Grading System and GPA/CGPA Count System

National University Grading System and NU Grade Point Average Calculation System, GPA/CGPA Count System details information given is below.
NU GPA Calculation System
- Total Point in an Academic Year
- Total Credit Offered by NU
NU Grading System
The exam papers shall be considered the basis of the marks. So the total marks of written, practical as well as oral test or examination of a student. Which he/ she will achieve shall be transforming into Latter Grade and Grade Point. To calculate the marks of the students the following Letter Grade and Grade Point is applicable.
Thus following grading system which is applicable to calculate the GPA/CGPA . According to the unanimous approval of the authority of the National University that is unanimous
National University Pass Marks
The first row shows the marks of the courses where one is nu pass marks and another is countable credit. Then the other row shows 100 credits and 50 credits.
Marks of the course | 100 (4 Credit) | 50 (2 Credit) |
Pass marks | 40 | 20 |
Countable Credit | D | D |
At the National University, there are two types of exams held, one is incourse exam. And the other is the final/written exam. On Incourse exam total marks are 20 and the final exam’s total marks are 80. So the total mark is 100.
National University Incourse exams pass mark is 8 out of 20 marks. And in the final/written exam you have to acquire 32 marks out of 80. So in total, any subject if you acquire 40 marks out of 100 marks then you will pass this subject.
National University grading system in Bangla

Academic grading in Bangladesh

National University Letter Grade and GPA Class System

NU Passing Grade System
The participation of the students is mandatory in all required and fixed (written, oral and practical etc) courses and examinations. The students have to pass in all courses by gaining at least 40% marks. Or achieving D Grade which is regards as 2 point.
In this case only D Grade or more thane it and above grade or points or credits shall be countable. The non credit of English subjects related gaining GPA would not be countable as results.
Grading System in National University
The NU grading system we have mentioned in the previous part is the NU grading system [year]. The authority follows the system explained above to classify the classes or grading for the students.
- 80% or above A+ (Plus) 4.00
- 75% to less than 80% A (Plain) 3.75
- 70% to less than 75% A- (Minus) 3.50
- 65% to less than 70% B+ (Plus) 3.25
- 60% to less than 65% B (Plain) 3.00
- 55% to less than 60% B- (Minus) 2.75
- 50% to less than 55% C+ (Plus) 2.50
- 45% to less than 50% C (Plain) 2.25
- 40% to less than 45% D (Plain) 2.00
- <40% (less than 40%) F (Fail) 0.00
NU GPA and CGPA Calculation
The result shall be the calculated basis on the achieving points by accumulating into all course credits. And shall be count as EPS. In a year the entire achieved points of all required and particular courses. That shall be divided by all taken credits of one year to calculate and to determine the GPA and results.
By this way all gaining GPA shall be calculated into CGPA after completing the entire course. When someone will get below D grade it shall be regard as F grade or Fail. If someone get F Grade then he / she would not able to move forward for net nomination. So D Grade is considered as below average grading point to pass examinations according to the grading point system.
National University Promotion Rules and Regulations
- In case of Honours level examinations such as BA, BSS, BBA, BSC etc the students must have to achieve at least D Grade at least in three written course to pass and to promote from the level of 1st year to 2nd
- The same process is applicable for promotion from 2nd year to 3rd year that is one have to gain D grade at least in three written courses. And finally, the requirements need to promote from 3rd to 4th year is to achieve minimum D Grade in four written courses.
- When a student is failed to fulfill the requirements has been given in clause (a), he or she would be unable for promotion and shall be regard as Not Promoted In this case the student need not attend again in the examination of the course which he or she has already passed.
- Clause (a) one must be passed and fulfill this requirement of the two times exam held within a year. In the matter of F Grade, this rules is not applicable.
- If any student is absent from only one course and get in other courses at least D Grade. He or she will be able for a promotion for the next year. Student have to attend and pass the absence or remaining one courses to maintain the promotion.
- When any student maintains the rules of clause (a) to promote himself or herself from 1st year to 2nd year that student will get a chance to transform his F grade to pass exam. Like this way from 2nd to 3rd year one can promote for F grade. But in case of 3rd to 4th year a student have to pass and get at lest D grade in all courses.
NU GPA Calculator
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This calculator is useful how to calculate National University Grading System, GPA/CGPA Count System. This is a National University GPA calculation System. National University publish every month or year Honors, Degree and Masters Exam result in GPA based systems.

Now the Authority of National University Bangladesh published all-Academic National University result through Grading System and NU GPA/CGPA Count System. The grading system in Bangladesh has been updated enough now. National University Bangladesh Grading System published now at National University Bangladesh Official Website.
Every year National University Bangladesh published Honours/degree first-year exam results. NU Honors 2nd Year Exam Result and 3rd Year exam result. It also publishes NU Honors 4th year exam result in GPA/CGPA System.
Now in this present time the National University Authority of NU published All-Academic years course exam result in GPA/CPA System. For this reason the students of National University also want to know about this grading system calculation how to National University Prepared GPA/CGPA nu grade system relating any Honors, Degree or other courses marks.
And therefore, we are going to help all of you about this matter through our Post Nu Grading system. After reading this NU post you will be able to find out by yourself your gaining marks. And then you can convert in GPA or CGPA grading system.
This calculator will definitely help you to calculate your exact GPA easily. Finally it can be said that all students may be benefited by this system and keep update yourself.
About NUBD24 is a National University of Bangladesh (NUBD) based notice board webpage. NUBD24 Provided all kinds of Notice and news updates which is published on the Official website of the National University of Bangladesh. We provide information collected from,,, etc.
NUBD24 generally try to publish all updated notice of National University regularly and properly. It also publishes and posts very obvious information in deals. So that one can easily figure out any matter or whatever he or she looks for.
This web portal is designed into various categories which convey information relating such as NU Admission Notice, NUBD Re-admission, NUBD results, NUBD Exam Notice, NUBD form fill up Notice, procedure, Nu update Notice as well as NU examination Syllabus etc. This site has provided information relating the admission procedure published by the Official NU website.
Such as how to get admission, the requirements to get admission in Honours, Degree, Masters admission and Admission (professionals) etc. It also provides information about the online for fill up procedure since everything is devitalized now. So, one can easily find out information of online form fill up procedures through this portal.
NU Latest Notice/News
- NU Honours 4th Year Result 2024
- HSC Result 2024
- NU Honours 3rd Year Exam Result 2024
- Degree 1st Year Result 2024
- NU Degree 3rd Year Exam Routine 2024
The most important feature of NUBD24 is the notice portal of the National University which is always trying to post all latest, update as well as original notice regularly. The examination notice especially exam date, routine, syllabus etc.
This site has also other features such as Online MCQ Test option, NU Suggestions part, NU GPA calculator, NUBD24 mobile App and another charm of this site is Question and Answer part of students which presents NUBD24 very uniquely.
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