NU Degree English Syllabus for 3 years B.A pass course by Here you will get the National University NU Degree English Syllabus for three years B.A pass course, 1st-year degree English syllabus, 2nd-year, and also 3rd-year English syllabus.
The students of the Degree pass course of the National University of Bangladesh find their NU Degree English Syllabus in here.
This is the NU Degree 3 years B.A pass course English Syllabus page for National University and here you will all about English subject with the credit and marks distribution chart. That means you will get here full syllabus for degree English syllabus and that syllabus is Effective from the Session: 2013-2014.
Degree English Booklist and Syllabus
Syllabus for 3 Years B.A. (Pass) Course
Subject: English
Effective from the session: 2013-14

If you want to back on the main page of the Degree syllabus then click bellow the link.
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