NU MBA 1st Semester Result 2023 has been published today 19 July 2023 at 7 pm. This MBA first semester exam result of the National University 2020 session can be checked from the website.
If you are a first-semester student of MBA department of the National University then this result is for you. Check your MBA first semester result online now.
Notice of NU MBA 1st Semester Result 2023
National University Masters of Business Administration (MBA) First Semester Exam Result publish on 19th July 2023 at 7 PM. A notice about the result is also publish on the official website.

The published notice states that the result can be checked from the official website of the National University. Besides, if anyone has any discrepancy with the result, then they must apply within 30 days.
After this, we will discuss in detail how to check the result online. From here you understand how to check MBA first semester results online.
How to check MBA 1st Semester Result 2023?
At this stage, I will share with you how to check MBA first semester exam results online. You can easily understand knowing that we will discuss each step one by one.

To check the National University Masters of Business Administration (MBA) first-semester final exam results (Session: 2020) you need to follow some rules. Let’s see how to check the results.]
- First, you need to visit this website:
- After that click on the Professional menu from left side menu
- Under the Professional menu click on the MBA menu
- Then select Semester 1
- And write the registration number of the exam
- Finally, click on the search result button
In this way, you can easily check the result of MBA first semester exam of National University from the website. Just select the semester and enter your exam registration number. And finally, if you click on the search button, your result will display in front of you.
NU MBA Result Check Video Tutorial
Below is a video tutorial on how to check National University MBA First Semester Results online. By watching the video I can easily check your MBA first semester or second semester exam results.
In this video discuss in detail how you can check the result. Which link to check, and what will require while checking the result. Hope you benefit from this video.
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Application for Result Re-Scrutiny
In the notice published by the National University, it has been mentioned that if any discrepancy is found in one’s result, then no application can be made for re-sampling. However, the application must be made in writing and the specified time has been given.
If anyone expresses inconsistency in this published result, he should inform in writing to the Controller of Examinations of the National University within 30 days of the publication of the result.
No student can apply for re-checking or re-checking the results after the scheduled time. The result will be submitted free of charge for the recheck and the recheck result will be published after the specified time.
National University MBA Result FAQ
At this stage, we will present some important questions and their answers about the National University Masters of Business Administration (MBA) first-semester exam results. Hope you will get the answer to your desired question from here.
According to the latest published notice, the results of MBA first semester examination of National University have been published on July 19 at 7 pm.
Must visit this website ( to check National University MBA Exam Result. After that select the MBA menu under the professional menu and select the semester from there. And finally, if you click on the search result button with the registration number, the result will be displayed in front of you.
However, if you have any important questions, you can let us know. We will try to answer your questions appropriately.
NU MBA 1st Semester Result 2023 has already published on the official website. If you want to check the MBA First Semester result then you can check your result very easily by clicking on the above link. May your results be very good. All the best