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National University College Wise Result

You can instantly check the National University College Wise Result (Honours and Masters) without solving any capture code. Select your college name and exam year to check your Honours First, Second, Third, and Fourth Year and Masters Final Collegewise results. Let’s Check the Honours Collegewise result now!

Honours Collegewise Result

The examination results of all the students of any subject held under the National University of a particular college are published together which is called National University College Wise Result.

Students can easily check the National University College Wise Result of a particular subject of any particular college. How many students took the exam in that particular college and whose results are published in a list.

National University College Wise Result

From here you can easily check the National University College Wise Result of Honors first year, second year, third year, and fourth year examinations.

Just input the name of your college and which year you want to check the exam result and click on the check result button, and the result will appear in front of you.

From here you can check National University Masters Department College Wise Result.

Just select the subject you want to check the result of and the college you want to check the result of and click on the search result button, the result will show in front of you.

NU Masters Collegewise Result

You can check the result of any subject by using the code number of any college under the National University or by selecting the name of the college and inputting the exam year.

Meanwhile, National University College Wise Result of Masters can be seen in the form of a list where the results of all the students of a subject will be given. Accordingly, in the list, the number of marks obtained by the students in that subject will be mentioned.

National University College Wise Result

You can easily check the National University College Wise Result from here. From here you can check the results of all the subjects of all the departments of the colleges under the National University.

The results of the Honors and Masters departments are currently being checked from the National University College Wise Result Portal.

Students will directly select any subject of their Honors or Masters and select their college. Then click on the search result button specifying the year you want to check the exam result.

As soon as you click on the search result button, the result of that subject and that college will show in front of you.

Which department of National University results can be checked college-wise? Answer is:

  • Honours Colleg Wise Result
  • Masters Final Colleg Wise Result

NU Honours College wise Result

National University Honors Department results for different years can be listed as college wise results. In that case, you can check the results of each subject separately.

  • Honours 1st Year College Wise Result
  • Honours 2nd Year College Wise Result
  • Honours 3rd Year College Wise Result
  • Honours Final Year College Wise Result

Let’s say you will check the result of the accounting subject of honors first-year exam of your college. In this case, first, you have to select honors the First year.

Then select the accounting subject from the subject list. Then select the college you study from the list.

Next, you have to input which year you want to check exam result. Let’s say you want your college accounting subject exam result in 2020.

In that case, you have to enter 2020 in the exam year field and click on the search result button.

Finally, a new window will open in front of you and there the results of all the students who took the exam in 2020 in accounting subject in your college will come.

In this way, you can easily check the National University College Wise Result of your honors first year to last year exam.

NU Masters Final College Wise Result

I mentioned earlier that from this page you can check the results of any exam held under the National University in the form of college wise list.

That’s why you have to select the subject for which you want to check the result first. Then select the name of the college you want to check the result of.

And lastly, you have to input the year exam result you want to check and click on the search result button.

Vyas will show the list of Masters Final College Results in front of you. From there you can see how many candidates from your selected college have taken the exam in that subject and what is the result.

In this way, you can easily check the National University College Wise Result of the Masters Final Examination of any college under the National University.

NU College Result Check

Do you want to check NU College results? Then you have come to the right place. From here you can check the results of all colleges and all subjects of National University through the same list.

In any college where you are studying, how many students have taken the exam of a particular subject and how many have passed can be seen from here at the same time.

You can directly check the result by inputting the subject’s name and exam year without any hassle.

Already mentioned the rules for checking Honors and Masters department college wise results. Hope you can easily check your desired subject and college results.

NU Latest Published Result

At this stage, we will share with you National University Latest Result List. If you want, you can check your desired result by clicking on the result.


One of the easiest ways to check the National University College Wise Result is to use our website. You can easily check the college-wise result of any subject of any college of National University from this website. You have come to know how to check the result very easily.

In one click, you can see how many students have taken the exam in any subject of your college and what results they have achieved. Hope you can easily check the National University College Wise Result.

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