National University Honours Admission 2nd Merit List 2021 publish today. National University authority published Honours admission 2nd merit list/admission result 2021. Student can get their Honours admission result by mobile SMS and online from 19 September 2021. Today we will discuss more Honours admission 2nd merit list result 2021 and more. So let’s start.
Notice of NU Honours Admission 2nd Merit List 2021
You can get your National University Honours Admission Result (Second Merit List) 2021 from 4 pm by SMS and you can find your result at 9 pm on the NU Admission Website.

NU Honours Admission Result 2021 by SMS?
You can get your Honours 1st Year Admission Result 2021 by SMS method too. The SMS method is given below:-
For Example NU ATHN 254869 and send it to 16222
Honours Dual Admission System 2021
If any student admit honours course in 2nd time then his/her previous admission will be void. For example if you admit Bangla course in honours at the first merit list. After that you again admit English course at the time of 2nd merit list published. At this time your previous admission Bangla course will be void according to the rules.
Last Date of Honours admission cancellation: 26 September 2021
How to get Honours Admission 2nd Merit List Result online?
Honours Admissions result in 2021 Session of 2020-2021 is now available on the internet. Every student can collect their National University Honours Admission 2019 Result online After 9:00 PM Because the maximum number of students use the internet from their smartphone, tablet, and Computer. They use the internet for any purpose Below Now.
Click this link first Honours Admission Result Portal
- Give your Roll Number and Pin Number on the form
- Then click Login to get the result.

To know the admission 2nd merit list result, students have to log in with the admission roll and PIN number. Or send an SMS according to the prescribed rules. Follow the instructions below to know the NU Honours Admission Merit List through the website.
Honours Second Merit List Result Online Check System
- Firstly, visit the NU admission website
- Then click on the “Applicants Login” option from the Honours menu.
- Login with application roll and PIN number.
- View results from the Student Dashboard.
- Fill up the Final Admission Form if you are selected.
National University (NU) Honours Admission Result Can Found SMS method. Honours Admission 2nd Merit Result 2021 For National University newly admitted student. After Publishing Bangladesh national University Admission Result For Honors Level, All Applicants Can Get Result by Online result portal and SMS system.
If you face a problem collecting your result online/on the internet, then you may follow the SMS method to getting National University Honours Admission Result 2020-2021.
To get National University Honours admission results in 2021 by Phone SMS, you have a balance of 2.50+ Taka or more on your account. If you do not have a sufficient mobile balance for sending SMS, you should recharge your mobile. Then go to the mobile message option to check by follow Honours Admission Result by SMS.
You may Read:
National University Honours Admission Result 2021 – 1st Merit List
National University Honours Admission 2021
Honours Admission 2nd Releaseslip Online Application 2019-20
National University Honours Admission Result 2021 Can Be Found Online after 4 pm. See Below For Getting Results by Online and SMS system. NU Authority Publish NU honours Admission Result by official Site You Can Get Results by login with Admission Roll Number and PIN.
Admission Merit List making Process
1st Step (Basis of CGPA):-
Merit list will be prepared by students’ SSC or equivalent exam result’s 40% & HSC or similar exam result’s 60%. These 2 results will add to prepare the merit list.
2nd Step (Basis of Obtained Total Marks):-
If 2 students’ CGPA (SSC & HSC Exam) will found the same, then their total obtained marks will be calculated. In this case, their SSC or equivalent exam 40% obtained marks & 60% HSC or similar exam marks will be calculated besides their total CGPA. Then merit list will be made.
3rd Step (Basis of Age):-
If students’ total CGPA & total marks are found the same, then their merit list will be prepared by their age.
Calculate point of NU Honours 1st Year Admission:
CGPA: (SSC CGPA 5 * 40 / 100 = 2) + (HSC CGPA 5 * 60 / 100 = 3)
= 2+3 = 5 point
(SSC CGPA 5 * 40 / 100 = 2) + (HSC CGPA 4.80 * 60 / 100 = 2.88)
= 2+2.88 = 4.88 point
Marks: – (SSC Marks 820 * 40 / 100 = 328) + (HSC Marks 810 * 60 / 100 = 486)
= 328 + 486 = 814 point
(SSC Marks 820 * 40 / 100 = 328) + (HSC Marks 860 * 60 / 100 = 516)
= 328 + 516 = 844 poin
NU Honours Second Merit List Admission 2021
National University already published 1st merit list and now published second merit list. If you want to admit 2nd merit list honours course have to some amount of registration fee. Let’s see the short brief about Honours 2nd merit list admission 2021.
Last date of 1st Merit list Subject Change / Online Form Fill up/ Print/ Collect PDF copy | 19 September 2021 to 26 September 2021 |
Online form fill up and final admission form fill up date | 19 September 2021 to 26 September 2021 |
Registration Fee (485/- Tk) pay last date | 20 September 2021 to 27 September 2021 |
Final Admission process by college | 20 September 2021 to 28 September 2021 |
Pay slip Download and submit to the Sonali Bank | 29 September 2021 to 05 October 2021 |
Requirement for Honours Admission 2021
Before applying for NU Honours course admission 2020-21 you should read these admission minimum requirements sections. In the below table, you will see the educational requirements for apply Honours admission this year ( session 2020-21). let’s see first.
Exam Name | Passing Year | Minimum GPA |
S.S.C / Equivalent | 2017/2018 | GPA 2.50 ( Arts )GPA 3.00 (Science & Commerce) |
H.S.C | 2019/2020 | GPA 2.50 ( Arts )GPA 3.00 (Science & Commerce) |
HSC Equivalent1.Vocational2.Business Management3.Diploma-in-commerce | 2019/2020 | GPA 2.50 ( Arts )GPA 3.00 (Science & Commerce) |
You read this result and educational minimum requirements for NU Honours admission 2021. Now I think you cleared already about Honours admission minimum education and result requirements. Firstly, if you have a GPA of 2.50 in SSC and HSC for Arts group and Vocational group then you could apply for Honours admission.
Secondly, if you have 3.00 in SSC, HSC and Vocational Science & Commerce group then you will also apply for National University Honours admission.
Here another matter is the passing year. If you want to admit the NU Honours department then you have to pass the year SSC 2017/18, HSC 2019/20 and HSC Equivalent1, Vocational, Business Management, Diploma-in-commerce for 2019/20 also.
NU Honours Admission Fee 2021
For admission of national University honours Department admission for session 2020-21 have to pay some amount of fees. Here we will provide the figure of money that you have to pay for NU Honours admission 2021 sessions. So let’s see the fees of Honours admission 2021.
- Application fee: 250 taka for a singel admission application.
- Registration fee (Per Students): 450 taka.
- Sport and culture fee: 20 taka.
- BNCC fee (Per Students): 5 Taka.
- Rover Scout fees: 10 Taka.
- Total fee: 485 taka
Honours admission total fee 485Taka for a session 2020-21 students. If you want to admit the National University Honours course, you have to pay 485 Taka by mobile banking.
- Admission cancellation fee: 700 taka
- Admission Reinstated fee (Per Studnts): 700 Taka.
If you want to cancel your Honours admission you have to pay 700 Taka to the national University authority for final cancellation. And if you want to Reinstated your honours admission then also have to pay fees of 700 Taka per student. that is all about the National University’s Honours course admission 2020-21.