NU Degree 1st year examination center list 2017 related notice has been published on the National University of Bangladesh Official Website NU Degree 1st year examination center list 2017 published today and to get some important information for there examination. In bellow, the original notice will provide for getting information better;
National University – NU Degree 1st Year Exam Routine & Center List 2017 Has been published. According to the Degree 1st Year Exam Routine 2017 Theoretical exam will be starting from 12/05/2018. The last theory exam date is 13/06/2018. The practical exam Schedule will be published later.
According to the Degree 1st Year Exam schedule 2017 12/05/2018 to 14/05/2018 exam will be held from 2:00 PM. During Holy Ramadan Month (16/05/2018 to 13/06/2018) exam will be held on 9 AM. National university authority reserved the right of exam schedule change.
The exam routine is available in both JPG and PDF format in our site. if the exam schedule change in any case we will update the routine here. So keep visiting our site’s degree category to get latest update of degree exam.
NU Degree1st year examination center list 2017

Degree 1st year examination 2017
Finally, Degree 1st year examination center has been published today. National University Exam Authority has published it on the official website. The place where the students will take the exam is mentioned in the exam center list.
You may read: NU Degree 1st Year Book List
So students are requested to find their respective exam centers by looking at the center list. And the examination will be held at the prescribed examination center as per the examination routine at the prescribed time.
However, students can download the exam center list and keep it in their mobile phones or any device. By doing this, you can find yourself by looking at the exam center list or you can find your friends.
Degree first year exam is going to be held in 2017 which center list you have already seen. The prescribed central list mentions which center (college) the examination will be held.