is a National University of Bangladesh (NUBD) based notice board webpage. NUBD24 Provides all kinds of Notice and news updates which is published on the Official website of the National University of Bangladesh. We provide information collected from,,, etc.

Our specialty is to give information about almost Updated National universities all types of notice and news. It is worth noting that we update all the notices of the National University Bangladesh. Such as form fill-Up, admission notice, exam routine, the examination center list, and others the notification within a very short period.
We have also android apps (NUBD24) to provide NUBD with all notice information in the easiest way. By this app, the student gets all of the National Univesity notice (i.e Exam Notice, Result Notice, Admission Notice, Exam Routine) by a simple click. We provide free push notifications also. If students install our app every time they get a notification update when a new notice is published.
NUBD24 is an educational website that provides all National University of Bangladesh results such as NU Honours, NU Degree, NU MBA, NU BBA examination notice or information and Provides all exam routines of the National University of Bangladesh. We are always trying to publish all NUBD results of Bangladesh at first. And we also provide NU exam suggestions on our website. We provide all exam routines with a PDF file download.
NUBD24 Services
NUBD24 provide different type of services related to the study of the National University of Bangladesh. Our main service and duty is to provide the latest National University Notice.
And also provide authentic information to the students. Besides that, we have different type of free services that helps to the students. With this NUBD24 has some the services, such as
- National University Notice Portal
- Answer & Question Portal
- National University GPA/CGPA Calculator
- NUBD24 Android Apps
- Search NU Notice
And all of these services we provide for free of cost to the NU students. We also share National University Convocation information on our website.
Our Goal
Finally, Our goal is to provide all the information about the National University of Bangladesh to all the students of Bangladesh in the easiest and most quick way.